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Take care of your baby's sleep?


Why care so much about your baby's sleep? We explain why it is important to choose good baby clothes

Bedtime or a baby's nap is a very celebrated time for moms. Just as she and dad enjoy it, the baby should enjoy it too; as it is part of healthy growth..

When the baby has a quality sleep, growth hormones are released, cortisol and stress levels are reduced, memory is strengthened, the immune system improves and appetite is regulated.

One of the requirements for a good sleep time is related to the environment and the comfort that your baby feels. In this sense, it is important to know what clothes your baby is going to wear, or what will help him feel more comfortable and have a sound sleep. Then...

What kind of baby clothes are best for sleeping?

Most pediatricians recommend that babies sleep in cotton clothing. Cotton clothing is more breathable than other fibers and helps keep your baby cool and comfortable. It is also important that your baby's clothes are soft and comfortable, so that he can sleep well.
Babies need good sleep for good growth and development. Therefore, it is important that they sleep in cotton clothing, which helps them stay cool and comfortable and guarantees a sound sleep.

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